Truth I
The wheel
Of justice grinds
Exceeding slow but
Exceeding fine I read,
How much simpler to tell
The truth and risk the
Consequences as
Houston said yet
( Don’t you love
That phrase )
White lies or
Polite lies
Ease a
Time like
The commercial
Where Lincoln is asked
By his short plump wife if her
Dress makes her look fat his
Reply is a silent searching
For some answer though
Washington might have
been an equally
Funny scenario yet
(Once more yet)
These examples
Evade the truth
Which is better
To just tell the
Truth than be
Caught in a
Lie tangled
Up until a
Trips us up
Slams us down
A liar on top of our
Indiscretion and yet
Never admit to an affair
Just to clear your conscience
Never tell a mother her baby isn’t
Adorable and never ever ever
Say anything that could be
Construed as criticism
Of politics or religion.
Far better to keep
The truth under
Your basket
And say
Yet ...