Con Man
Cortes in his conquest of Mexico was a master con man. He fooled his own followers as well as the natives, Aztecs or his own allies whom he later betrayed. His lies worked. Trump reminds me of Cortes as a con man who always accuses his opponents of what he himself is secretly doing.
By calling the 2020 election a steal Trump is covering up his own failed attempt to steal that election. Con men rely on distraction to succeed.
Trump squirms and wriggles trying to get back under the rock of secrecy overturned by his election defeat. His followers are mostly the old Southern Democratic Party faithful who turned coat in the 1980s to become ultra-conservative Republicans. Really more reactionaries than conservatives since they yearn to turn back time to ban abortions. Dress lengths will be not far down on their wish list.
Let me, gentle reader, conclude this unhappy history by observing a successful con job requires a dupe who has replaced common sense questioning with faith in a fraud. Hard to believe but in a world where a carpenter can become a god, nothing is impossible if fools only have faith. I can hear them now chanting two feet bad four feet good. Cortes would imperceptibly smile.