Not married but
Living together as
Man and wife,
Partners allow each
Of the two to share
Affection and care
Without scaring the wits
Out of their grown children,
Whose reasonable
Concern over their
Parents property is
Partners have
No boundaries,
As do married couples,
Only what to them
Is comfortable as
Partners living together.
They sleep together,
Make love together,
Take meals together,
Travel together,
Enjoy each other’s
Company day and night.
They become over time
The best of friends,
And grow to know
Each other as
Only a couple can.
Perhaps being a
Couple is the heart
Of being partners,
Without the legal
But with a say
On each other’s
Health and welfare.
To succeed partners
Must be as close to
Their partner’s children
As their own.
I have never been
A partner and have
Much to learn.
Luckily, I have
A good