
Is college passé
These days,
Is all we need
A cellphone
With access
To the web?
A lot cheaper
Than a college
Education in the
Liberal arts,
Do we need
To study under
The guidance of
A disciplined mind
Or is that just an
Opinion no better
Than any other?
Why go to class
When professors
Are so flawed
According to
Student critics,
Why read a book
When our cellphone
Synopsis tells us
What to believe?
Most of us are
Raised to have
I was raised to
I am so Jewish.
With all winners
All the time,
Who can say what
Is worthwhile
Literature and
What is just so
Much romance trash?
Love and forgiveness
Certainly trump sinners
In the hands of
An angry God.
Is the Old Testament
An ethereal bodice ripper
Or literal truth or a
Male perspective
On morality or
A primer sort
Of melodrama
For the more
New Testament?
Like American
Literature pre and post
1904 and if all the
World is a stage
And we trod our
Few lines then
Depart should
We spend time
Knitting up the
Unraveled sleeve
Of our cares asleep
Or wake up
And get
To class
On time?
Who cares?
I do.
And, perhaps you.




2 O’Clock