Abe & Andy
Jackson held New Orleans
Securing the land from the
Appalachians to the Rockies,
He was arrogant vindictive ignorant
Humorless but had common sense.
Lincoln held the Union together
Securing our safety in unity,
He was humble forgiving wise
Humorous and had common sense.
Obama reminds me of Lincoln
Trump reminds me of Jackson
Except without common sense
Or morals or ethics or courage.
Jackson would never let a Putin
Use him to weaken America
Put millions out of work
Endanger travel or
Cause hunger all
To pamper a
Time to impeach & convict
But first Congress must pass
A bill to stop this wall nonsense
Undue the damage done and
Defend our border with more
Common sense and less
Slogans like a wall of
Concrete or steel not
Needed as much as
More Border Patrol
Officers more
Tech defenses
All decided by the
Border states
Not by a
In Putin’s pocket.
How the Russians must
Laugh at our flaws of national
Character so easily used by
Putin aided by Foxy media
To blind us to electing a
Ridiculous Mussolini
Some see as an
Andy Jackson
But Lincoln
Would see
As a USA