She asked
Me for help to
To avoid the living
Hell that is a dementia
Ward possibly ending in
Alzheimer’s lost completely.
Some dementia does not progress
Beyond all ability to be in charge
Of oneself but dementia does
Decrease our sense of self
Degrades our I liberty so
What is the difference
Other than losing our
Independence prey
To night staff and
Daily degradation
But when my
Wife asked
Me to help
Her die I
And so
Am guilty
Of betrayal
To my closest
Friend who was
Already too far gone
To manage her own demise
And so gentle reader pray you
Are never asked to help another
Avoid a fate worse than death
In eternal confusion unable
To find your old mind as
It has left in pieces as
Memory fails a bit at
A time each step in
To the dark hoping
To hold on but it
Is in vain as one
Loses ones life
Memory by
Up no hope
Of escape remains
But a living nightmare
Prettified by fake commercials
About visiting angels who
Are really visiting
Who take
Life savings
In exchange for
Feeding you washing
You drugging you until
Your insurance runs out.
I did not know this so
I procrastinated till
It was too late
Allowing her
To be put
Damn me
For not knowing
Death by three V’s
Vodka Valium Vicodin.