The moon
Hangs in the
Eastern Texas
Pines reminding
Me of Scots pines
In the Highlands and
The hills of far Wales,
I wonder if after things
Quieted down after the
Crucifixion in Jerusalem
Joseph of Arimathea took
Something to Britain to hide
Away safe and I think perhaps
The wife and children of Jesus
Learned to enjoy oats and barley
Watching the moon hang in the
Pines of Britain but we will not
Know as the point was to
Keep safe what might
Be a target of hate
By Rome hidden
Waiting to be
Built into a
On a hill in time.
Later the Templar’s
Treasure dug up from
The Temple Mount in old
Jerusalem would be taken
To Britain to hide away not
Some drinking cup chalice
But a knowledge that the
Teachings of Jesus are
Devine to forgive and
To love your neighbor
As yourself hidden
From those who
Are concerned
With personal
Wellbeing on
Earth as in
Too busy
To accept
The truth just
Yet anyway but
I keep on trying
Watching the
Moon in the
East Texas