I am 14 in
A Presbyterian
Sunday School class
When I am asked if I do not
Care if others think I am
One of the Elect known
As the Select and I
Answer why do
You think I
What others
Think of me as God
Has already made up his
Mind on whether I am
Damned or saved.
I only have to
Worry about
What God
In truth I just
Never could take
Claims of the divinity
Of Jesus seriously as even
As a small child the idea of God
Impregnating a nice Jewish girl
Just seemed preposterous
And absurd. I presumed
The claim was merely
A tool to attract non
Jewish adherents
To the faith as
Gentiles from
Asia Minor
Might believe
In divinity whereas
Jews would question such
A tenet and the decision to
Make Jesus divine did not
Occur until 325AD at the
Council of Nicea near
When Emperor
Realized it
Would be
Easier to
Be God’s
Vicar on
Than a living
God himself so he
Allowed Christianity to
Be a legal religion premus
Inter pares until it eradicated
Any competitive religions and
The Emperor’s job of chief
Religious officer Pontifex
Maximus became after
The last Emperor in
Rome the pope or
Pappas Holy
Father the
I was always
A Unitarian Christian
Thinking the message was
Divine and not the messenger.